Nora's E-Rhetoric Blog

Friday, April 01, 2005

My First Blog Entry

I've never kept a blog before - to be honest, I have the preconception that people who keep blogs are kind of self-absorbed. Who wants to hear about your life everyday anyway, huh? Ok, maybe it would be interesting if you were doing an around-the-world tour or something, but I don't see why bloggers need to let everyone know that they went out to pizza with someone from their psych class, or that they're feeling particularly stressed because they have midterms (like every single other college student around the world). And who has time to write a 5-page blog entry every day? So I never really got the whole thing.

Some of my friends do blog, though, and they've tried to convince me that it's a good way to keep in touch with your family and friends. Maybe I can buy that, as my relatives always do say that I don't keep in touch enough and that they never know what I'm up to. And when I have been travelling I send out mass emails anyway, so I guess blogging could be another way of doing that.

I've also been hearing about all sorts of other blogs, besides ones about people's own personal lives. I remember hearing about all of the political blogs that were going on during the election and the Democratic and Republican National Conventions. I think some organizations and events even have official bloggers now, so I guess it's catching on outside just personal use.

I guess this class will let me see how I like keeping a blog over the course of the quarter. Who knows? Maybe I'll decide to keep one up after that so that I don't have to rely on emails to keep in touch with everyone. At least then my relatives can't complain that I never tell them what I'm up to!


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